Building a garden shed without concrete foundations
Several steps involved in a construction built on Weasyfix foundation screws.
Levelling the load-bearing structure
In this construction without concrete, larger size Weasyfix foundation screws are used to compensate for the difference in level.
In general, in stabilized, standardized soil, the tip of the Weasyfix foundation screws must reach at least 70 cm in depth in order to achieve a sufficiently load-bearing base for lightweight constructions.
On the left, 750 mm Weasyfix foundation piles are driven almost entirely into the ground.
On the right, 1,750 mm Weasyfix foundation screws are used to overcome the difference in level of up to 105 cm above the ground.
Crossing the profiles
A crosswise structure, whether it is made of wood or metal, always guarantees the stability of a lightweight construction, built without concrete.
Installing the lightweight construction without concrete
The walls are connected to the structure.
Continuation of installing the lightweight construction without concrete
The flooring is attached to the steel profiles with the aid of self-tapping Weasyfix foundation screws.
Results of the creation on Weasyfix foundation screws
Thanks to solutions without concrete developed by Weasyfix, the shed was rapidly anchored to the ground, and our Weasyfix foundation screws provided the stability and aesthetics that the customer was looking for.